Sweating – Dr. Braun de Praun treatments

If we don’t happen to be exercising to boost vitality and fitness, excessive sweating is quite unpleasant. But that’s not all, it also disrupts our own bodily sensations. Plus, it makes us less confident. In especially severe cases, it may even make us shy away from all physical contact.

Injections of active ingredients derived from nature that can impede muscle contractions by as much as 60% sharply reduce the functioning of the sweat glands. In this method, we can work together to effectively gain control of your sweating, restoring your feeling of self-worth and enjoyment of life.

Do you also suffer from a sweaty face?

The proven JetPeel with specific anti-perspirant formula can help!

  • painless
  • no downtime
  • long lasting after mostly 3 sessions
  • short treatment duration (30 min.)

The goal is for you to feel comfortable in your skin again.

Costs per session: €150.00

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I look forward to your inquiries

    The initial consultation costs € 150.00, a hormone consultation € 180.00.
    If treatment is used, the initial consultation costs will be reimbursed once.

    Since we are an ordering practice, if you do not show up within 48 hours, you will be charged the initial consultation fee.

    Office hours

    Appointments only possible after prior registration by telephone from
    Mon – Thu: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
    Tue & Wed: 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.