Skin DNA – Dr. Braun de Praun treatments

Which skin care is right for me?

We have the answer: SKIN DNA

A DNA analysis (simple oral swab) can tell you how your skin will age and what individual skincare it really needs.

This makes it possible to analyze future signs of skin aging now and slow the process with the right care.

How does the genetic test work in detail?

This detailed analysis of 16 DNA markers makes it possible to craft an anti-aging program tailored to the patient’s genetic predispositions, featuring individual treatment options, highly effective active ingredients, and dietary supplements.

book an appointment

Cura Romana

  • einmaliger genetischer Test zur Gewichtskontrolle
  • Detoxifikation (Entgiftung)
  • ein Lifestyle-Abnehmprogramm – spielerisch in der Gruppe abnehmen, Anleitung zu gezielter sportlicher Betätigung, kombiniert mit einer individuellen Ernährungsberatung
  • eine Mikronährstoffberatung zum Ankurbeln der körpereigenen Fettverbrennung
Skin DNA – Dr. Braun de Praun treatments


Innovative genetic test to identify your unique future skin profile (tendency toward collagen breakdown, glycation, pigmentation, wrinkle formation)

Analysis of your natural sun protection factor

Holistic individual anti-aging concepts aligned specifically toward your profile


I look forward to your inquiries

    The initial consultation costs € 150.00, a hormone consultation € 180.00.
    If treatment is used, the initial consultation costs will be reimbursed once.

    Since we are an ordering practice, if you do not show up within 48 hours, you will be charged the initial consultation fee.

    Office hours

    Appointments only possible after prior registration by telephone from
    Mon – Thu: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
    Tue & Wed: 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.