Chronic stress – Dr. Braun de Praun treatments

Complex chronic stress disorders are always an individual matter and require complex, individual therapy.

Patients suffering from chronic stress typically have perfectly normal standard lab results. Deeper lab diagnostics show a number of characteristic abnormal findings such as the following:

  • Increased interleukin 6
  • Disorder of tryptophan metabolism – consequence: depressive mood, anxiety disorder
  • Pathological HOMA score index – consequence: obesity, diabetes
  • Increased LDL cholesterol – consequence: vascular deposits and risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Decreased BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) as a sign of concentration disorders
  • Endocrinological changes – consequences: loss of libido, erectile dysfunction (impotence), premature skin aging and much more

Main symptoms of chronic stress disorders

  • Sleep disorder
  • Digestive problems
  • Food intolerances
book an appointment

My individual stress-relax therapy is tailored just to you and encompasses investigation of your:

  1. Stressrelevanten Gene, Ihre antioxidativen Schutzenzyme, sowie Phase I u. II Entgiftungsenzyme
  2. AVEM Test: Persönlichkeitsfaktoren, die für Stresserkrankungen prädestinieren
  3. Untersuchung der Herzratenvariabilität (HRV)
  4. Endokrinologische Diagnostik:
    • Neurobalancetest + Cortisol Tagesprofil
    • 24 h Urin auf Katecholamine
    • DHEA, Serotonin, CRH, ACTH, Schilddrüse,Sexualhormone
  5. Stressprofil I: Messung des oxidativen Stresses wie:
    • Lipidperoxide
    • Oxidiertes LDL – Cholesterin
    • Glutathion – Entgiftungsparameter u.v.m.
  6. Stressprofil II : Veränderungen des Immunsystems, Entzündungsprozesse und mitochondriale Funktion
  7. auf Wunsch: Messung der Telomere als Biomarker des Alterns

Treatment goal:

  • mehr Energie und Lebensfreude
  • erholsamer Schlaf, Regeneration des gesamten Organismus
  • Feststellung genetischer Prädisposition für familiär vorhersehbare Erkrankungen (Herzinfarkt etc.)
  • Libidosteigerung, Verbesserung erektiler Dysfunktion
  • positive Wirkung auf die DNA durch Änderung des Lebensstils (Epigenetik)


I look forward to your inquiries

    The initial consultation costs € 150.00, a hormone consultation € 180.00.
    If treatment is used, the initial consultation costs will be reimbursed once.

    Since we are an ordering practice, if you do not show up within 48 hours, you will be charged the initial consultation fee.

    Office hours

    Appointments only possible after prior registration by telephone from
    Mon – Thu: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
    Tue & Wed: 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.